Going Viral Should be a Bonus, Not your Strategy

You can't make people share your piece of content

Charles Tumiotto Jackson
5 min readJun 22, 2020
Photo by Mimi Thian on Unsplash

Imagine waking up to a phone full of notifications, hundreds of Twitter mentions, thousands of Instagram DMs, 10,000 new followers on all platforms. You’re overwhelmed. You’re so happy. You’ve made it. Now your content is spreading; it gets, even more, reach every minute. How did you make it? What happened? Why did this piece of content work? Did someone influential share it? What’s the next step?

So many people dream of this scenario. For some, that would be the ultimate accomplishment. For others, it would be the validation they’ve been seeking for years. And as I’m sure it feels fantastic to see our content being shared all over the internet, the effect such popularity will have on your business and future are often overestimated. Can going viral really change your life forever? It can. But it’s not as automatic and straightforward as people would expect.

The Audience Dilution, or Why Going Viral Doesn’t Mean Getting Rich

When you go viral, your content reaches a way broader audience than your followers, regardless of the platform you’re publishing on. People you don’t know, and that don’t know you start sharing your content with their audience, this new…



Charles Tumiotto Jackson

Content Marketer, willing to put the “social” back in Social Media. Let's talk about Social Media Marketing → thesocialacorn.com