No More Likes on Instagram?

Charles Tumiotto Jackson
2 min readMay 14, 2019

You have probably heard about this major new feature: Instagram will hide the number of likes on every post and will hide the number of views on video posts.

Only the creator will be able to access this metric. Therefore, as the owner of the account, you will be the only one to see how many likes you got on your posts.

Why is that a game changer, you may ask?

Because that will totally change the face of Influence Marketing!

The number of subscribers was the major metric until a couple of years ago. Brands were only considering big accounts for marketing campaigns.
But after a while, brands and agencies started to consider the engagement rate. This engagement rate is calculated using the number of followers, the number of likes and the number of comments on an account.

The engagement rate is now the only metric that matters.

However, without being able to see the number of likes, the engagement rate cannot be calculated.

Accounts will start to focus again on the content they are making and on the storythey want to tell. Authenticity will be back.

There will be no need to optimize everything in order to have the highest number of likes or to have a crazy amount of comments.



Charles Tumiotto Jackson

Content Marketer, willing to put the “social” back in Social Media. Let's talk about Social Media Marketing →